I am experiencing this winter very differently from previous winters—lighter, more natural, and effortless. From a young age, I have always preferred spring and summer, and over time, I have come to a...
Everything happens in the 'here and now'. Alan Seale, founder of Transformational Presence, expands these words to the 'bigger here and the longer now.'
The polarization in society seems to be increasing. X and other social media are overflowing with opinions. Many are busy judging, wanting to be right, convincing, and opposing. With what result?
Last week, a new word caught my attention: 'war mindset'. According to NATO chief Mark Rutte, it is time to mentally prepare for a possible war. Banks have also called for having enough cash at home i...
This question often comes up in the coaching sessions I lead. Exploring this question often leads to the insight that, however subtle, fear is often the driving force.
As 2024 slowly comes to an end and the days get shorter, with so much still to be done before the year is over, the fatigue around me seems to be increasing. "Just one more month to hold on, and then ...
It is Wednesday morning, November 6th. I read the news in disbelief. The American people have re-elected Donald Trump as their president. If the history of his first term repeats itself, we will face ...
This tree (see above) caught my attention last weekend while hiking the Müllerthal Trail in Luxembourg. For me, this tree, the place where it planted itself, and the way it found its path through the ...
"It can be different." Four seemingly simple words, spoken by one of the participants in the ‘Transformational Presence Intensive Course’ training. It was her response to my question: what is the mos...
I often hear people say things like, ‘I could slow down a bit and take more time for myself.’ I hear this sentiment frequently, whether in coaching conversations, during my programs as a reflection af...
How do you position yourself as a coach during a coaching conversation? Where does your attention go? Do you have a specific result in mind, and are you working towards achieving it, or are you guidin...
‘I get stuck in my own thoughts. The more I think, the more I start to doubt. And the more I doubt, the more I hesitate to take action. The more I hesitate, the more I procrastinate. And eventually, I...
“I feel completely sidelined and not taken seriously,” says Eric*, a manager of a large operational department, with anger still in his voice during a coaching session last month.
Do you ever worry? Perhaps a strange question. "Of course, doesn't everyone?" might be your first response. Worrying about something is human, but is it desirable?
Floods in Germany and Austria, war in Ukraine, a prolonged government formation process, conflict in Gaza, student protests, the nitrogen crisis, climate change, European elections... A lot has been h...
In my previous blog, I wrote, "Being here is the most important thing; everything that happens is a bonus." The next morning, one of my readers asked, "How?
In April, I flew to Arkansas for nine days, the state where I had lived for a year as an 18-year-old exchange student. When I landed in Memphis after a smooth journey, something remarkable happened.
One of the books that has inspired me the most is the trilogy "Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Walsch. I first read it about 15 years ago, and I remember being immediately drawn in.
"I feel a sense of restlessness inside, and I don't know where it's coming from. I don't understand it at all." Last week, I had a coaching session with Peter*, who works as an internal coach at a lar...
On 30 March, my father-in-law would have turned 83. Standing around the memorial plaque in the nearby graveyard, we remind ourselves not so much of his life in terms of the events that were memorable,...
About two months ago, I noticed I was in a bit of a funk. I had less energy, less motivation, and a sense of discontent circled within me. Generally, my mood is pretty stable, positive, and cheerful, ...
"What I notice the most is that my experience is more intense; I'm more present in the moment itself." Ingrid, one of the participants who completed the Transformational Presence Intensive Course last...
"I'm curious!" I find myself saying these words often throughout the day. And upon closer examination, even more frequently. Curiosity isn't just a great skill, as movie director Paul Verhoeven sugges...
In many of the coaching sessions I lead, I've noticed that "fear" takes center stage. Often, the word "fear" isn't directly used, but it lurks in the form of worrying about what's to come or feeling i...
Reflecting on the past year, how do you view it? Is there something you're particularly proud of? Perhaps you fondly reminisce about a special journey or find satisfaction in achieving a milestone, li...
Recently, I had a coaching session with a team coach named Eric*, who works within a large educational organization. He is relatively new to this role, and the primary question he wanted to explore
The Hermetic principle of Polarity teaches us that everything is dual, that everything has poles in the sense of a pair of opposites. And these opposites are of the same nature, differing only in degr...
Everything is energy in motion, constantly evolving, and yet, as human beings, we crave stability and certainty. We largely create that sense of stability through the establishment of fixed habits and...
The 1st perspective: everything is information If you view everything happening in your life as 'information,' you let go of the struggle in your life.
This summer, in a rare deviation from a two-decade-long pattern, allowed Maartje and me to vacation outside the customary peak season. The initial two weeks after our return engaged me in coaching com...