I am experiencing this winter very differently from previous winters—lighter, more natural, and effortless. From a young age, I have always preferred spring and summer, and over time, I have come to appreciate autumn more and more. In recent years, I noticed that I began to find winter increasingly difficult; the cold and, especially, the reduction in daylight affected my mood. Last winter, the many rainy days added to that.
But this year is different; I notice that the months are slipping by without me paying much attention to them; winter just 'happens.' I find that I have no expectations on one hand, and on the other, I naturally accept what is. I flow completely with what is.
In addition to this, 'letting things happen' and flowing with, I generally also like my day to be somewhat planned in advance. Knowing what I will do gives me a sense of security and brings structure. It also ensures that I accomplish things; working step by step towards my goal brings inner peace and satisfaction.
But regularly allowing myself to let things happen, even on a daily level, without a plan in advance, is incredibly refreshing. Instead of focusing on output, on something I want to achieve, I am open to what is to come. Last Saturday, I noticed that this same receptive attitude has another advantage: by doing things without a plan, a way forward naturally becomes clear.
In the backyard, there are linden trees that need to be pruned every winter. Especially on top of the trunks, there are an incredible number of twigs. If you look at it in advance, it seems impenetrable. Just cutting without a plan turns out to be a great approach. Cutting away one twig creates space to reach the next twig; each time, the next twig to be cut presents itself.
This is how it works in everything: sometimes planning and taking steps, and sometimes listening and sensing what wants to happen and moving with it, making the steps forward naturally clear. I notice that this has strengthened my sense of security and confidence in myself, from a kind of surrender to what is. Listening more often to what wants to happen and responding to it makes life lighter and simpler.
Of course, you can plan(!) a whole day to let things happen. You can also experience the alternation of 'planned time' and 'let-it-happen time' within the day itself, making it a kind of dance.
Allow yourself some 'spontaneous, let-it-happen time' in the coming week, whether it's a day or just a few hours or moments in a day. Be open to what wants to happen, pick up signals, and respond to them. Do you see the sun breaking through and feel the urge to go outside? Don't think about it anymore. Put on your coat, go for a nice walk, and then take a few surprising turns different from what you are used to.
And notice what it brings you.
I wish you a lot of fun!