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Transformational Presence Leadership in Action

5-day program
All days: 3.00 – 7.00 pm CET
Online via Zoom

Registration fee:
€ 995,00 excl. BTW (VAT)*

*If the price for the program limits your possibility to participate, please let us know and we will find a way.

The program is facilitated by Sander van Eekelen

Do you have questions about the program, or would you like to discuss them to ensure this program aligns with where you are in your work and life?
Or do you want to know when this program will be organized again?
Easily book a free 20-minute  Zoom-call (20 minutes).

Development of Conscious Leadership

Are you in the middle of and/or do you lead an important organizational change? Do you work in a rapidly changing environment and are you challenged by the increasing complexity around you?
And do you want to develop the skills and leadership capabilities that will enable you to thrive in these uncertain and unpredictable circumstances?

Transformational Presence Leadership in Action (TPLA) is an innovative leadership development program (5 half days) for leaders, managers, HR professionals, entrepreneurs, influencers, visionaries, politicians, civil servants and anyone who is committed to making a significant difference in their organizations and the world.

We live in challenging, complex, amazing and unpredictable times – times that require leadership based on a new set of skills and abilities. Today's leaders must be able to reach far beyond the transactional, analytical, and knowledge-based approach in which most of us were raised to a more intuitive approach based on creative, in-the-moment-self-discovering skills and abilities.

Transformational Presence Leadership in Action gives you powerful yet very practical tools and frameworks needed to navigate today's complex, rapidly changing and uncertain world.

The workshop is experiential and interactive in nature. Using multiple current issues or challenges you are facing, we create a space for discoveries, gaining new insights, and focusing on action.



The program is structured along the lines of 4 modern archetypes:

  • The Seer
  • The Explorer
  • The Co-creator
  • The Ambassador

The archetypes represent traits, skills, attributes, and abilities that we can all embody to help us become transformational leaders. The idea is not that you identify yourself as one of them, but rather that you develop the traits of all within yourself to be a transformational leader and/or coach.


  • How to get straight to the heart of what's happening, identify the next steps, and take effective, impactful, and sustainable action
  • How to connect with the bigger picture and, at the same time, work with all the relevant details
  • How to use both your intellect and intuition to discover what is happening beneath the surface of circumstances and challenges
  • How to recognize the hidden messages that lie within challenges and problems and how navigate them in the most effective and productive ways
  • How to position yourself as a leader in such a way that you encourage and inspire transformation in others, situations and organizations
  • How to empower those you serve more effectively so they can unleash their greatest potential


  • Awareness, understanding, creativity and innovation which leads to more effectiveness and sustainability
  • Navigating complex situations and circumstances
  • Taking on opportunities and challenges from a place of clarity, inner peace and confidence
  • Being able to act effectively in the moment and work with whatever is happening instead of fighting against it
  • Resilience, both for yourself and for the people in your organization



The leadership program Transformational Presence Leadership in Action is led in English by Sander van Eekelen CTPC. The TPLA program is based on the ideas of Alan Seale, writer, international coach and speaker and founder of the Center for Transformational Presence. The program follows the script of the original TPLA curriculum as designed by Alan Seale.

Sander is a certified Transformational Presence Coach and Program Leader and is personally being mentored by founder Alan Seale to teach this program.

And after this training?

Do you want to further develop your skills in Transformational Presence after this program? Then there are several follow-up options:

  • Transformational Presence Intensive Course (TPIC): learn how to coach intuitively and create the conditions, by your way of being present in the present moment, to enable inner shifts that can set your coachee free.
  • Full Spectrum Living: deepen the integration of Transformational Presence in your whole life and experience life to the fullest


'Leading from your essence – authenticity, presence, being fully connected in everything you do.
Connected to yourself, the other, the environment.
A rich experience and tools and frameworks with which you can make a difference.'
Elly Derks (59)
Director of Special Education

'Broadening, deepening, enlightening.'
Vincent Sark
Playground keeper at Transformational Playground

'It's a wonderful program, with a good structure.
It has given me many insights, many to let sink in.
Growth, development, flow. Grateful!"
Hannie Luijten
Coach / trainer Interpolis

Go for it!

There is still room available for the next workshop. Sign up right away!

Do you have any questions? Please feel free to plan a free Zoom-call (20 minutes).

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