The bigger here and the longer now
Everything happens in the 'here and now'. Alan Seale, founder of Transformational Presence, expands these words to the 'bigger here and the longer now.' By 'the bigger here,' he means not only the space you are currently in but also your house, your street, and, further zooming out, your village or city, your province, your country, your continent, and ultimately the whole world. An ever-expanding sense of 'here'. The 'longer now' is not just this moment (this second) but also this day, this week, this month, and furchatther zooming out this year, this decade, and this century. This way of looking teaches you that, in this moment, you can become aware of what is happening in different layers of space and time.
In an exercise, standing in the here and now, I connect with this expanded awareness of space and time. I experience that everything is energy in motion, that nothing stands still. It is as if I suddenly and much more easily see when the seeds were planted for the results and effects I am experiencing now.
I see myself participating in a seminar in 2009 where the vision found me that I would coach people and lead 'transformational workshops'. I had no idea what the latter would look like, but I did sense that participants in those workshops would gain important personal insights and experience profound inner shifts. Now, about 15 years later, this vision has become a reality for several years. At this moment, I am guiding 5 groups in 4 different Transformational Presence programs. While my awareness expanded further during the exercise, I suddenly saw that the seeds of my current work were planted much earlier, that even the family I was born into prepared me for and helped me become who I am now and do what I do now.
I invite you to take some time now or in the coming days to do the same exercise with an open mind and heart. Make it quiet within yourself and connect with the 'bigger here' (step by step, making contact with an increasingly larger space around you) and the 'longer now' (step by step, connecting with an increasingly larger unit of time), with you as the center.
To make this easier, here is an audio where I guide you through the exercise step by step:
And then ask yourself the questions: What am I becoming aware of? What attracts my attention?
Perhaps you will 'see' how things you are experiencing now came about when certain seeds were planted, what potential was already present, and how you, together with that potential, created your current reality, what you undertook, what you stopped doing or let go of. And perhaps most importantly, who you have become in that process.
Enjoy consciously 'harvesting' this week!