Over Sander
Sander van Eekelen is een ervaren transformationeel leiderschapscoach en facilitator. Zijn expertise richt zich op heelheid in individuen, teams en organisaties en het creëren van bewust leiderschap in organisaties. Met een achtergrond als sociaal-psycholoog en ruim 15 jaar ervaring in profit en not-for-profit organisaties in diverse advies- en leidinggevende rollen verstaat hij de kunst om écht aan te sluiten bij wat er bij mensen en teams leeft.
Zijn levensmissie is: 'ik inspireer en nodig uit tot heelheid'. Daaronder verstaat hij mensen op een kernachtige en speelse manier in staat stellen de meest volledige versie van zichzelf te worden. Zijn stijl kenmerkt zich als vriendelijk, warm, transparant, scherp en nieuwsgierig.
Endorsement from Alan Seale, founder of The Center for Transformational Presence
‘What sets Sander apart is his gentle nature combined with his ability to find just the right words or questions that cut to the essence of what is really going on.’
Sander van Eekelen has been an active member of the Transformational Presence community since 2012. During that time, he has become a masterful coach. What sets Sander apart is his gentle nature combined with his ability to find just the right words or questions that cut to the essence of what is really going on. His quiet manner creates a safety that allows him to ask the hard questions in an open and supportive way, yet with razor sharpness.
Sander has a deep understanding of the principles behind Transformational Presence, and an ability to bring those principles alive for those he serves.
I also appreciate Sander’s great attention to detail. He notices everything and has just the right way of bringing what he sees to the awareness of clients and organizations. From there, he walks beside them to help them discover the best choices, decisions, and actions towards the realization of their greatest potential. He is quite at home with both individual and organizational work and brings out the best in all.